

Just uploaded a new release. A couple of the new features are:

  • Adds ability to ban specific IP addresses (including wildcard matching)
  • LocalOutput= line replaced with WindowStyle= line in door ini files (sorry for the hassle!). This will allow more control over how the doors are displayed when executed.
  • When using the RUNBBS mode, the top 3 lines of the console and gui wfc screen will now update after each connection
  • Fixed the "Out of environment space" error that was encountered when SETting variables in .BAT files in external programs

So much for not going years between releases! But finally, a third alpha is now available.

A fair number of changes went into this release over the last year, so please see the CHANGELOG.txt file to see if there was anything important that might impact your alpha 2 installation

As usual, not a lot of testing went into this release. All 3 versions (Console, GUI, Service) fired up and accepted telnet connections @ telnet://, but I didn't test anything beyond that (RLogin, WebSocket, etc.)

If you run into any problems, please let me know. I love feedback, and it's usually reports like "feature x doesn't work" or "can you implement feature y" that pushes me to actually make new releases, so the more feedback the better!

I've just uploaded a second alpha version. In the near future I'd like to get a changelog page built for the site, but for now just check out the CHANGELOG.txt in the release archive.

The new alpha has finally been released. Some features from the old version are missing, so it may be a little disappointing at first, but this version should be under much more active development than the last since it's totally rewritten in a new language with better development tools available (now C#, rather than the buggy old Turbo Delphi).

And there's some new features that should hopefully make up for the initial missing features, such as Linux support! Using mono GameSrv should run under most Linux distributions, and dosemu provides the 16-bit door support

Happy New Year! Been talking about a new GameSrv for awhile now (mostly by email, not so much on this website), and I think after finally getting some work done on it recently it's almost time to make a new release!

It'll definitely be alpha quality to start off, so will take some courage to test, but I think it's going to be much easier to support and add features to this version, so I hope it won't be years between updates anymore!

GameSrv v10.04.02 was just released today. This is a minor bugfix to the previous version, which just fixes a few problems related to email verification.

GameSrv v8.06.07 was just released today. No new features here, just a bugfix for those who upgraded from v7.06.15 to v8.05.18 and then to v8.06.03 (the database didn't get upgraded properly, so you would have receved an error from LoadConfigTbl() failing to run at startup).

GameSrv v8.06.03 was just released today. A little more testing went into this release than the last, but not much more, so PLEASE make sure you backup your GameSrv directory before upgrading. This release adds a few new options, but the biggest changes are some show-stopping "Run as NT Service" bugfixes, so please continue to test that mode of operation to help find more!

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