

Holy Shit indeed. Yes, after many, many, many, many, many, MANY years, I've finally released a new version of GameSrv.

Before you get too excited, don't be. This is an early pre-release version just meant to get your feedback on what works and what doesn't (a lot of the features aren't implemented, so I already know some of the stuff isn't.)

Along with the GameSrv release, I've made available 3 classic Seth Able / Michael Preslar / GamePort door games specifically packaged for GameSrv. They come preconfigured for use on 5 nodes, so all you have to do is run the .gsdoor archive through the GSDoor installer, and you'll be ready to go without really needing to know how to configure the door games. Basically this saves you the headache of RTFMing, and me the headache of you asking me questions that would have been answered by RTFMing!

On a side note, I plan on adding multi-language support to GameSrv, so if anyone wants to translate the strings found in the database, please let me know. There aren't a lot there, and I may just try passing them through Google's translator, but who knows how well that will work!

Anyway, head on over to for the downloads.

Donations for Rick Parrish of R&M Software

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